AI Driven

Practice Management Software

We’re working with Veterinary teams to build smarter software. All vet clinics operate uniquely, we believe your practice management software should too. That’s why we TEAM up with clinics rather than ‘sell’ access to a platform. We’re here to turn your vision into a reality.

A different approach

Most clinics would love to have their own software engineering team but the reality of that is simply not possible. That’s where we come in. Our core platform has been designed with incredible flexibility to allow a truly custom platform for each business.

Skedyul is recognised as a leading start-up within the Melbourne ecosystem. Selected as 1 of 10 companies within the prestigious Melbourne Accelerator Program. Australia’s leading university start-up accelerator based at Melbourne University.

Melbourne Univeristy

Interested in Building your own platform?
Melbourne Connect,
700 Swanston St,
Carlton VIC 3053

The next steps


Identify specific requirements, needs and workflows. Create the scope document that we both agree on. Confirm a development roadmap and get to work.


Build out the end-to-end solution for your clinic. This includes all custom features and unique workflows.


Ensure the software functions flawlessly in a real-world setting. We do this by creating testing logs, test with real world users and run demo sessions with your team.


Your clinic will have a dedicated support team. As a software-as-a-service company, our work is continuous - implementing new technologies, building new features, and innovating existing systems.


The most enjoyable part. Getting you and your team to experience your vision with detailed training. No staff will miss out and all documentation will be written to serve your entire team.


We’re live! You and your team are charging forward with your dream practice management software. Efficiency improvements, increased client retention and other fancy features we built for you.